Thursday, October 10, 2013

Volunteering for a day

Our team took part in the company "Volunteering month" and went out to help for a day. Our mission was to support the Watford New Hope Trust which is a nonprofit helping homeless people. 

We helped to sort out food donations deliveries in a big warehouse. There were many kinds of food and hygienic supplies. Lots has been already done before we arrived but we helped a bit with our hands too. I was e.g. sorting biscuits according to best before date on month, counting coffee or meat cans and sorting delivered grocery bags and boxes.

Biscuits by expiration month including Kolonada!

It all made much more sense as the guy taking care of us and in charge of all the sorting told us his story that I would not ever expect. He himself used to be homeless as he lost his job and could not find a new one. After months of living at different friends and running out of savings he ended up without roof above his head. 

He found help at the Waltford New Hope Trust. With their help after about a year he had a place to live and started to work for them. Quite an exceptional story as he said but gives me hope that this help actually works. And most of all gratitude to what I have... 

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