Friday, October 4, 2013

Exploring the office #1

My way to work is quite long. It takes me about 1 tube hour (enough time for reading, writting, watching people). I get off the tube somewhere far far away from London in a small town called Uxbridge (but they have a Tesco, malls, banks so no complains :) ). Then I take a shuttle bus or walk 15 mins to the office.

The office building is Mondelez only. And it's Mondelez so inside it's very colorful, with branded meeting rooms, huge open space areas with big windows, and chocolate, coffee etc everywhere. Not bad :)

My table is now covered with chocolate bars which I have to taste all. Its my first assignment this week (that I gave myself). 

My favorites? Marvelous Creations Cookie Nut Crunch and Twirl. 

Some bars are missing - those I have to find and eat next week. And then I stop eating chocolate forever I promise. 

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