Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Leaving Czech republic

The past few weeks i spent saying good-byes and see-you-laters to my friends and family. It was both happy and sad. Good was to see everyone in such a short time (without the deadline of my departure we would probably procrastinate again). And sad that's obvious plus because i tend to cry too much. The best thing of all this was that I was reminded what wonderful friends I have.

I've spent lot of time with Klarka and her beautiful baby boy Jiricek

Two nights I spent with The Mamas but unfortunately we never made it all of us. But we had cosmos and repaired a car!

With Klarka we let the Awesome 5 (our greatest friends from university and their beloved) join us sometimes ;) 

For last chance to destroy my old apartment I invited over my favorite people I met at work. They did not drink as usually (maybe because it was Wednesday) so I could hand over the apartment next day (and fly to Paris ohlala!). 

They really wanted to win the competition of the-most-unique-gift-ever. Even the way I got it was unusual. I was receiving clues for about two weeks until I found out what my gift is and really deserved it.

Wanna try the game yourself? 
- august 6,1929
- lemon balm tea 
- Pittsburgh penguins logo
- Madonna
- lavender spray 
- fairy-tale book
- bed linen website
- picture of all the friends
Got an idea? Maybe? 
So this is what I got:
(and what was inside, you'll find out later :) )

With them and more great people from work we had a burger dinner, drinks & dance on last Friday in Prague. Recommendations: (lunch service and burgers are better),

The moment i was crying the most was when my colleagues surprised me with a very emotional video ( , password is the brand I went to work at in UK). They just wanted to make me cry and they made me plus a bunch of other girls. I got a perfectly useful suitcase (i guess now i should travel even more) and a picture of me they made. 

Surprising and warming were goodbye emails from colleagues I would not even expect to write anything...

I spent good time with my closest high school friends Monika (next time will be already with her baby), Honza, Marxik and Tomas.

And of course my family. Last Saturday dinner we had all family including my brother Ondra who left for ast year in Manchester the other day. It opened a bottle of red wine I was saving for a special occasion (the bottle I won in wine tasting competition. Yeah I'm still so proud of that :) ) And we planned the next family dinner - for Christmas...

And sure I could not skip big meals at grandparents. For village fair typical Czech meal with Hrdlickovi and french style dinner at new place of Svehlovi. 

I could not see everyone unfortunately... But no worries I will be visiting, there is Skype (find: b_arcelonka) and you will be visiting too (just give me the date). 

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