Sunday, November 3, 2013

Indulgence report #1

I know some of you think taking pictures of food is soooo lame! You know what? (Even though I love you two and your opinion means a lot to me) I don't care  :) I keep on taking them. 

Food is experience that needs documentation so it can remind you later. And there are so many new tastes here! Count it for life inspiration (especially when you're a marketing nerd and the packaging is so cool).

1. Believe it or not but even though I've been to London many times before I haven't eaten Fish&Chips yet. At least until the first weekend in here. Jana saved me and took me to local Fish&Chips restaurant in Acton town. It was really good! I even tried the vinegar on my chips but I'm rather a tartar sauce fan.

2. I love asian food! I could eat it all the time and I like try new meals too. Dim sum was not new for but definitely something I don't eat often. It was my pleasure to join Jana and her parents at popular China town restaurant New World

As we sat down they started bringing little baskets with different kinds of dumplings with shrimps, barbecue, tofu or pork (picture 1). The guy with trolley approached us soon again to offer us spring rolls, deep fried crispy dumplings or fried shrimp rice paper dumplings. We've also tried chicken legs. Not a big fan but happy to try crazy things!

With all the food they served us many kettles of my favorite jasmine tea. 

And at the end the table was one huge mess as it's supposed to be in real Chinese restaurant (that's why they have paper table cloths, right?). 

For more details on this restaurant check out my friend's Jana's blog - she wrote a whole post on the place.

3. I haven't had Bubble tea from China town for a while and it proofs they know how to do it the best way. This place we visited with Veronika and Ami somewhere at Charing Cross road (if I remember right). 

I've had my favorite classic green milk tea with tapioca. The girls went for lychee and apple flavored tea, no milk and also tapioca. The flavors quite surprised me as they tasted very good. My strict recommendation is to avoid those alternative flavored "bubbles", tapioca makes the real bubble tea!

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